

After last seasons' darker and sombre collection, Sergio Corneliani presented a lighter show for Spring 2015. The show focuses on the modern man, who still clings onto his heritage. Corneliani presented models in classic white pants, with a contemporary and urban twist, for example adding grey rain-coat. This collection is for the busy, city man - who works hard whilst balances his style. The show uses light and cool materials, to ensure the wearer is comfortable and cooled down in the bright summer of 2015.

I really like this collection, I thought his last one was amazing and it just keeps getting better. The clothes are very stylish and super wearable. I can easily picture Simone Marchetti wearing one of these looks, on his way to a fashion show. Although the collection may not be easily worn in New York or London, Corneliani has made this for his hometown, of Milan.

What did you think of this collection?
Let me know, in the comments below.


1 comment

  1. fresh and clean and yes, very wearable which is nice to see on the runway.


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