

It's rather difficult when it comes to Kanye West; you could argue he's one of the world's most egotistical men. But there's no denying that he's one of the closest watched people in fashion. His APC menswear collection back in 2013 was an instant sell out, selling within a matter of hours with the site crashing under a heavy stream of online traffic. Arguably he's one of the most popular men in fashion, despite his audacious opinions on the world, which comes at a rather perfect time for his Adidas collaborative collection.

It took West 18 months to create the sportswear collection, collaborating with Italian performance artist Vanessa Beecroft, whose aesthetic is minimalism and to strip everything back to it's simplest form. Kanye included minimalism in his collection, with flesh-coloured body-stockings, worn with military inspired jackets and coats. The models looked confident, almost alien-like as they stood in rows, staring blankly at the photographers. The collection is surely aimed at younger, edgier fashionista who craves urban fashion. There's a strength and emotion in the clothes which reads strong and a little bit aggressive. Military played a key role in West's collection, he was inspired by the London riots a few years back. Oversized knits, bitten and torn around the sleeves, teamed with nude-toned stockings and comfortable boots. Even Kylie Jenner made an appearance on the runway, to ensure that youth and strength was captured in his show.


Photo Credit: Style.com



  1. In my opinion, this is so poorly executed. The stockings are so bizarre and attention seeking, wtf is up with that random pink and red? Like, everything else is cream or grey, and then a random pop of pink? And Kylie looks like she's about to do her Sunday chores.

  2. Damn, Kanye looks so moody.


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